Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 71
subtleties of culture and compassion in
All three teams debated with con昀椀dence,
every conversation.
skill and wit to get through the preliminary
rounds. The 昀椀nalists, Ottie D, Miles A,
During her talk, Kate emphasised the
Charlotte S and Ella O then had 10 minutes
importance of communication in bridging
to prepare a surprise motion. They
cultural gaps and forging connections. She
combined their linguistic 昀氀air and quick
shared valuable insights about embracing
thinking in a closely fought 昀椀nal debate,
change, reiterating the importance of
with Framlingham College being named
being open to new experiences, learning
the overall winners of the competition in
from di昀昀erent cultures, and 昀椀nding one’s
both French and Spanish.
purpose in life. She relayed her life journey
with warmth, humour, and wisdom,
Director of College Languages, Juan
captivating the audience with her tale of
Sedeño, praised the pupils for their e昀昀orts
resilience and self-discovery and inspiring
saying: “By taking part in a debating
pupils with ideas of what a career with
competition in a foreign language in Year
modern languages can look like.
10, the pupils have not only made excellent
headway on their GCSE speaking exam
In May, some of our talented linguists
preparation, but also enjoyed a truly
travelled to King’s Ely to take part in a Year
stimulating and motivational experience,
10 MFL Debating Competition against
both during the hours spent preparing,
Norwich School, Stephen Perse, Culford
and on the day of the competition! We are
School and King’s Ely.
extremely proud of them and hope they
realise the value of their achievements.”
Seven of our pupils took part in the event,
entering two teams for French and one
team for Spanish. Miles A, Emily B, Ottie
D, Etty H, Ella O, Meg P and Charlotte S all
put in tremendous e昀昀orts to prepare and
polish their debates on topics such as:
• School uniform has no place in the 21st
• Holidays with friends are more enriching
than family holidays.
• Extreme sports should be banned.
• Cars should be banned in all towns and
• Writing by hand should be compulsory in
all schools.
• Online education is the future: Schools
are obsolete.