Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 70
discuss the issues raised in the 昀椀lms in the
years. Embracing this new chapter in
target language.
her life, Kate immersed herself in the
Spanish language and culture. Despite
Following the interactive event, pupils
facing challenges and setbacks, her
were also the lucky recipients of an
determination and love for her partner
inspiring talk by actor and translator
propelled her forward. As she grew more
Kate Jetmore, who gave a passionate
pro昀椀cient in Spanish, she discovered a
account of how love and language led to
newfound passion for languages and
a signi昀椀cant career transformation.
The pupils listened as Kate told how she
Drawing on her background and her
went from Broadway singer and actress to
experience as an actress, she began
teacher, celebrant, life coach, voice-over
working as a cultural consultant and
artist, writer and translator, all as a result
translator for 昀椀lm and TV productions
of meeting her Spanish partner whilst on
such as Spanish TV series “Los hombres
the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage.
de Paco”. Her unique perspective as an
Love blossomed between Kate and
American living in Spain has allowed Kate
her partner, and soon after they met,
to bring a fresh, nuanced understanding
she made the bold decision to move to
to her translation work which led her to
Spain where she has now lived for 21
create The Listen Podcast | exploring the