Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 68
excursions in this historic region of France.
is like. It also made me realise how much
you can absorb when you are constantly
immersed in another country’s language
The children were encouraged to learn
and culture.”
and use their French during the trip
whilst enjoying a varied timetable which
Millie P also gave her thoughts on the
included beach walks, cycling trips,
exchange programme: “It was quite a
swimming, rock wall climbing, archery,
daunting experience being away from
paddleboarding, canoeing, bread making
home and living with a family in a foreign
and football.
environment. Luckily, we had the chance
to chat to our host families before we
Pupils also visited the historic Mont St
arrived, so we at least knew a little bit
Michel, completed a market challenge
about each other. They were really
and visited the Bayeux Tapestry.
welcoming and very nice, which helped
Charlotte A took part in the trip and
me to feel much more at ease.
commented: “Going on the trip to
“Being at the school was really di昀昀erent
Normandy was a very culturally enriching
to being a pupil at Framlingham College.
experience for me. I found that at the
It was a smaller, day pupil only school,
end I could speak much more con昀椀dently
and the buildings themselves were more
in French and knew more about French
modern on the outside but not necessarily
customs as well. It was also interesting to
on the inside. I really liked some of their
introduce my French exchange partner to
traditions, like the ringing of the school bell
English traditions, especially during the
at the beginning and end of each day and
Coronation weekend. I would encourage
the singing of the school song.”
anyone with the opportunity to participate
in an exchange to do so.”
Our younger pupils also had opportunities
across the year to practise their language
A commitment to enhancing cultural
skills. For example, the Prep School ski
awareness via the curriculum, both inside
trip for Years 6-8 who travelled to the
and outside of the classroom, is evident
Alps in Italy for a week packed full of new
across the College.
learning experiences and perhaps a few
In December, a group of talented Year
bruises as well.
9 and 10 pupils presented a wonderful
In June, Year 7 pupils followed in their
performance of the French Musical
older peers’ footsteps, taking part
Showcase ‘Emilie Jolie’ to Year 6 pupils.
in a French exchange to Normandy.
The whole production was prepared
Staying at La Grand’Ferme Residential
during a lunchtime MFL club during the
School Centre, the College pupils were
Autumn Term, with the hard work of the
entertained by the French animateurs with
Senior School pupils acknowledged
a wide variety of activities and
and hugely appreciated by their young