Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 61
Year 11 Tommy B named
BAFTA Young Game Maker
of the Year 昀椀nalist
Computer Science enthusiast Tommy
15-18 Game Making category and three
B was named as one of ten 昀椀nalists in
rounds of judging, with the 昀椀nal round
the 2023 BAFTA Young Game Maker
being particularly stringent and each
of the Year awards, recognised for the
game thoroughly scrutinised. Tommy
outstanding development work in creating
was one of the youngest entrants in his
his casual 昀椀shing game, Gloop Fishing
category as he submitted the game when
which he created for his HPQ.
he was 15. He attended the special digital
awards ceremony on 22 June, hosted
Tommy created the game in 昀椀ve months
by actor, comedian and presenter, Inel
using the video game engine Unity. Most
Tomlinson. Forty-昀椀ve were competing for
entrants would build their game during
one of two awards - the Game Concept
lessons at school and/or are in groups of
Award which rewards the most unique
two or three, whereas Tommy worked
and creative game ideas, and the Game
mostly on his own, outside of school hours
Making Award for the most technically
and during lunch breaks.
impressive coding skills. Each of these
awards is split into two age categories
(10-14 and 15-18).
He undertook all the coding, designed
all the artwork, and while he had some
support with the music for the game,
Tommy has aspirations to pursue a career
Tommy achieved his BAFTA nominated
in the gaming industry and all BAFTA
game e昀昀ectively single-handedly.
昀椀nalists are able to access mentoring,
careers advice, masterclasses and
Commenting on his success he said: “I
workshops organised by BAFTA for the
heard that I was chosen sometime in June
entire year, including a visit to the BAFTA
and was very excited that I had done it
headquarters in July. During his visit to
and also very surprised because it was my
London, he saw some of the big players in
昀椀rst time entering and I did not expect to
the gaming industry, including the people
become a 昀椀nalist.”
that sponsor the BAFTAs and American
video game publisher, Warner Bros
There were well over 500 entrants for his