Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 59
no leaders?’ and ‘What were your
approach having to reprimand a friend
motivations for being a leader?’ helped
for breaking the rules you are responsible
to cement the prefects’ purpose and
for upholding’. The event is set to become
responsibility to support others whilst
a staple part of the College’s commitment
driving meaningful outcomes for the
to enhancing our pupils’ essential life skills
and showed a true display of respect,
kindness, and compassion from all
Bene昀椀ting from their own experiences,
Senior School prefects were able to
help their younger peers to set their own
Towards the end of their College
leadership goals and really consider the
leadership journey Senior School Head
di昀昀erence they can make within their
Boy, Finlay B and Head Girl, Ruby B spoke
community and to the school as a whole.
to leadership coach Tim McEwan about
The session 昀椀nished with a pupil-led
their experiences as 昀椀gureheads of the
question and answer session which
school and how they will apply their new-
focused on important areas such as ‘How
found knowledge and skills to the next
you can in昀氀uence friends to support you
chapters of their lives. You can listen to
in your prefect endeavours’ and ‘How to
their discussion here.