Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 56
and counter terrorism. His talk raised
and volunteer work exposes pupils to
pupils’ awareness of how to stay safe
various situations, enabling them to apply
in the wider social world, covered new
and re昀椀ne their skills in real-life settings.
tactics being employed by criminals and
Through our extensive Duke of Edinburgh
predators, and gave our young people
participation, and our newly-launched
both knowledge and practical skills to
Junior Duke Award at the Prep School,
protect themselves.
all our pupils have the opportunity to
develop a range of di昀昀erent skills and
Another thought-provoking event for
nurture essential qualities, including
our Sixth Form was delivered by guest
softer skills such as kindness, compassion
speaker Brian Faulkner on the Psychology
and empathy. It’s those such skills, being
of Con昀椀dence and Self-Doubt. Organised
developed from a very early age at the
by Head Girl, Ruby B, Mr Faulkner
College, which will put them ahead of
gave insights into why we might feel
other children who are solely focused on
overwhelmed and start to panic in
an academic journey.
stressful moments, and how we can
cope with this. He also gave very clear
Pupils’ DofE e昀昀orts across the school
examples of the power of having a growth
are recognised with the presentation
mindset rather than 昀椀xed mindset.
of their awards at the end of their
Our huge range of extra-curricular
individual journeys. In May, a collection
activities also plays an in昀氀uential role
of Framlinghamians, old and current,
in our children’s skill development.
were bestowed with the coveted Gold
Encouraging participation in sports, clubs
Duke of Edinburgh Award at a prestigious