Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 52
the very best, and she attended a winners’
of 40 pupils took on this year’s challenge
reception in London during the Easter
which sees pupils participate in four
rounds: the Group Challenge, the Shuttle
Round, the Cross Number Round, and
Writing articles was just one task for
the Relay Round, renowned for being the
our Year 10s as they took part in their
favourite round of the whole event.
Magazine in a Day cross-curricular day
this year. Split into 14 groups of 6 pupils,
A group of 10 Year 13 mathematicians
each pupil was allocated a speci昀椀c role
also came and acted as invigilators,
within their group, from publicist to editor,
markers, and motivators. In a brilliant
photographer to copy editor.
showcase of our pupils’ mathematical
abilities, problem solving, teamwork, and
All the groups worked hard and applied
communication skills, the event was won
their problem solving and creative
by Maya C (Year 9), Etor A (Year 9), and
skills to produce some very interesting
Harry W (Year 8).
publications. Best Magazine Concept
went to a magazine title ‘All Laced Up’,
The mathematical abilities of our Prep
from Jack F, William O, Rafa S, Toby B,
School pupils didn’t stop there. This year,
Louisa H and Lili-Rose G.
50 of our Year 7 and 8 mathematicians
participated in the annual UKMT Junior
The Best Writing/Articles award went to
Mathematical Challenge alongside
‘Love at First Bite’ for their clever, witty
200,000 other pupils. Of those
and engaging articles about the College
200,000 pupils, 25% get a Bronze
food. Congratulations to Ignacio M, Oscar
Award, roughly 10% get a Silver Award
B, Millie P, Nathalie S and Sophie B.
and less than 4% get the elusive Gold
But in the end, Best Magazine Design and
also Best Overall Magazine was awarded
This year, 36 out of our 50 participants
to ‘The Hayly Bale’, an engaging,
received an award with the Prep School
informative, interesting publication all
being the proud recipients of 15 bronze,
about farming, with an array of diverse
19 silver and 2 gold awards! Special
and thought-provoking articles. Well done
mentions must go to Christian H who
to Francisco A, Oscar W, Leo HF, Henry
achieved best in Year 7, and to Ethan P
N, Evie W and Etty H for their cleverly
and Alex S who were the Gold Award
designed and easy to read magazine.
winners. Alex achieved Best in School and
performed well enough to qualify for the
To problem solving of a di昀昀erent kind,
next round of the challenge which took
in February the annual Year 8 and 9
place in June.
Maths Team Challenge took place at the
Prep School. It is an event now eagerly
And at the Senior School, Year 9 Etor
anticipated by pupils and sta昀昀. Ten teams
A, Year 10 Noah K and Year 10 Jack W