Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 51
Edgar participated in the Classics
go to all the 昀椀nalists in both the Lower and
competition, a two-poem competition
Upper Prep categories: Amelia B, Emily
where pupils learn two poems from the
M, Holly B, Florence M, Vera SR, Josete
Poetry by Heart online collection (one
RS, Tilda N, Felix N, Lexi G, Jack B and
published in or after 1914 and one from
Bertie B. It was a wonderful evening that
before 1914) and perform them solo in
perfectly showcased our pupils’ skills,
a simple style – the poets’ words, the
courage and aspiration. Every 昀椀nalist
pupils’ natural speaking voice and their
was exceptional and inspirational in the
unique interpretation of the poems. The
delivery of their chosen and common
judges focus on voice, understanding,
poems, but in the end the judges decided
performance and accuracy.
Florence M and Felix N would take the two
titles for 2023.
In May, Edgar found out he had made it
through to the National Finals, due to take
Recitation skills were not the only poetry
place on the stage of the Shakespeare
focus for our pupils this year. In March,
Globe on 26 June.
selected pupils from Year 5 and 6 went
to The Red House in Aldeburgh to attend
Over 37,000 children from schools across
a poetry writing workshop. They all
the country took part in the competition
produced a fantastic poem at the end
this year, which made Edgar’s place in
of the experience based on the song
the 昀椀nal an outstanding achievement. But
‘The Hall of the Mountain King’. They
being a 昀椀nalist wasn’t enough for him. His
performed their poem to the 35 other
performance was so outstanding that the
students and teachers who attended the
judges were unanimous in their award of
event and all did a fantastic job.
the 2023 Key Stage 4 Classic Competition
Champion title to Edgar. A phenomenal
Pupils are also showcasing their written
achievement for a talented young man,
ability to reason, critique and analyse
and two national champions in two years
to powerful e昀昀ect. Year 12 Alicia P was
is a hard act to follow for next year’s
named a 昀椀nalist in the Northeastern
College participants.
University London Essay competition
this year, addressing the question ‘What
On Thursday 6 October the Prep School
are the most likely implications of the
also celebrated National Poetry Day,
economic sanctions imposed on Russia?’
an annual celebration that encourages
The competition is open to students in
everyone to make, experience and share
Year 12 who are interested in studying
poetry with family and friends. To mark
humanities or social sciences at university.
the occasion, a collection of talented
This is a global competition and entries
pupils took part in the in-school Poetry by
are encouraged from those studying
Heart 昀椀nal.
anywhere in the world. Alicia’s answer
was selected from 4500 entries and
placed in the top 12% of entries as one of
Huge congratulations and commendations