Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 48
part in debating competitions which have
This time they faced pupils from the Royal
demonstrated the strength of their oracy
Hospital School and opposed the motion
skills and a passion and aptitude for
‘This house believes that countries with
forming and articulating their opinions on
poor human rights records should not be
a whole host of interesting topics.
allowed to host sporting events’. While
they didn’t qualify for the next round, they
Ruby B, Erin McC and Dominik B
all learned something from the experience
successfully debated their way through
and were highly commended for taking
to Round 2 of the English-Speaking
part and pushing themselves outside of
Union’s Mace debating competition in
their comfort zone.
November. Round 1 was held on Zoom,
which makes debating even more di昀케cult,
Year 10 Ottie D and Year 11 Edgar R also
but still each of them delivered coherent
took part in the competition this year, with
and persuasive speeches opposing the
Ottie delivering an incredibly compelling
motion ‘This house would ban the sale
speech on ‘Why white lies help to keep
and consumption of meat’. They ably and
life sweet’ and responded well to the
e昀昀ectively critiqued the opposing team
questions posed to her.
and responded well to opposition to their
own arguments. A real inspiration to some
Edgar was equally no stranger to an
of our younger pupils across the school.
audience this year as he ventured to
follow in the footsteps of last year’s
The English-Speaking Union’s School’s
National Poetry by Heart Champion,
Mace is the oldest and largest debating
BimBim JI. As last year’s Key Stage
competition for schools in England and
4 Classics category winner, BimBim
Wales. The competition involves around
travelled to London in September for the
300 schools each year and o昀昀ers pupils
launch event of the competition for 2023.
from Key Stages 3-5 the opportunity
She recited one of the poems she learned
to discuss and debate a wide array of
for last year’s competition in front of an
controversial subjects and current a昀昀airs.
audience of school children, poets and
The aim of the competition is to improve
actors at the Sam Wanamaker Theatre.
oracy ability and academic attainment
She was also then a guest of the Globe
as well as support development of
Theatre and watched a matinee of the
a whole range of social, emotional
latest production of ‘The Tempest’.
and interpersonal skills now seen as
increasingly important by both industry
Edgar’s journey began with winning
and educationalists including self-
the College’s competition in December,
con昀椀dence, self-awareness, resilience and
from which his entry was then submitted
to the National Competition. This year’s
competition, now in its tenth year, was the
Erin McC competed in the second round
biggest ever Poetry by Heart event, with
with fellow pupils Jake CS and Eden B.
over 2000 entries.