Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 47
and ‘Why is our own cultural identity
solving the mysterious death of Mrs South
at Saxtead College.
Deputy Head (Academic) at the Senior
Pupils were split into groups and,
School, David Ashton, commented on the
throughout the day, were required to 昀椀nd
connection between the cross-curricular
and analyse clues that would lead them
approach and Spine of Skills development
to the culprit through elements such as
saying: “The Spine of Skills is linked to
scienti昀椀c experiments, cracking codes and
the cross-curricular programme as
trawling through suspect transcripts.
pupils are asked to assess their progress
against the skills throughout their project
The challenge was a real test of our pupils’
lessons and, when taken collectively, the
problem solving, teamwork and logical
projects should allow pupils to identify
thinking skills, and it was wonderful to
opportunities to develop each skill.
see them throw themselves into the day.
There was a tie for 昀椀rst place this year as
“The projects are open natured, and they
nine of our budding investigators in two
involve choice and decision making by
groups (Group 3 Xanthe E, Fergus B, Ruby
pupils with the work meant to feel di昀昀erent
B and Henry P, and Group 5 Verity G,
to standard lessons where tasks are more
Reilly B, Jasper M, Isla S and William W),
teacher-led in their nature.”
solved the mystery and gained police rank
promotion as a result.
During each year, pupils also create an
ePortfolio. This digital portfolio provides
The podcasts themselves have been
them with a place to set targets, collect
a new opportunity for our pupils to
evidence of their progress across all
develop self-con昀椀dence, communication
subjects and projects, and helps them to
and questioning skills as they both form
develop the skills to become re昀氀ective
responses to questions posed to them by
learners. By acknowledging areas in
our guest hosts but equally develop their
which they are excelling, identifying
own lines of questioning for the varied
skills that need further development,
subject experts we have welcomed to
and setting personal targets, pupils take
the recording studio. We look forward to
increased ownership of their learning and
many more episodes being driven and
become more autonomous and self-
delivered by our pupil body, a way in
which they can explore areas of interest,
express their views and help to educate
others on key topics.
Our Year 9 pupils are also able to take
part in cross-curricular days, where
they go o昀昀 timetable and are able to
For many of our pupils, the art of
immerse themselves in fun, yet productive
communication and speci昀椀cally persuasive
challenges. This year the Year 9s took
discussion comes naturally. This year
part in a Detective for a Day experience,
many of our young people have taken