Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 41
James F, Rory S, Erik K, Alex K, Natasha
“Overall, I feel that my inexperience in
R and Jake C-S successfully beat 95
business/economics didn’t present a
competitors from 35 countries to win
challenge throughout the competition.
the prestigious title. The champions
The simulation was welcome to those
demonstrated exceptional skills in critical
new to the subject and it de昀椀nitely helped
thinking and teamwork, with their e昀昀orts
develop my understanding in the complex
seeing an advancement on those of their
昀椀eld of business management.”
peers last year who claimed the bronze
The team was supervised by Business
medal in the competition.
and Economics teacher, Bill Bethell,
The team’s challenge was to run their
who commented on their achievement
virtual travel agency, Karma Visits, for
saying: “This year’s team adopted a
昀椀ve weeks, at each stage growing their
more premium strategy compared to the
business to outdo their competitors and
昀椀rst edition of the competition. This was
be the best company on the market. This
re昀氀ected in the quality of sta昀昀 employed,
demanding event tests students’ abilities
resources purchased and selling price
to strategise, make critical business
adopted. Ultimately, this generated
decisions, and adapt to the dynamic
consistently higher pro昀椀ts for the team,
market conditions. But the challenge didn’t
which contributed to their overall success.”
seem to phase our business novices, with
James saying: