Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 37
He told the pupils how the popular fashion
During his visit, Tom also participated in
brand was actually built on the back of
an Easter Fair organised by Year 12 BTEC
him going on holiday to Kenya without
Business pupils, Natasha R, Rose C and
any shorts – a move which forced him to
Charlotte N, as part of their BTEC Business
buy a pair made from Kenyan kikoy fabric
from a local street seller. That holiday
saw Tom wear the shorts continuously
The fair formed part of the BTEC Business
throughout his trip which were hence
Diploma ‘Managing an Event’ module,
dubbed Tommy’s trunks by his father. Tom
aimed to create an impactful event that
talked about his in昀氀uences and his desire
showcased the pupils’ business acumen
to ensure that his brand always stayed
and which highlighted to them the
true to the ethos of providing comfortable
planning and delivery skills required to run
and sustainable fashion wear for all.
successful group experiences.
Three of our BTEC Business pupils, Will
As well as gaining buy-in from Tom, the
L, Natasha R and Rose C, also joined
pupils’ hard work and dedication also
Tom on an episode of the Framlingham
saw a number of other local businesses
College Podcast, during which they talked
enthusiastically support the cause.
in more detail about the highs and lows
of entrepreneurship and Tom’s plans for
We also welcomed a host of external
expanding the business in the future.
guests to the College’s 昀椀rst Future Focused
The pupils chatted with Tom about
Lunch, organised and hosted by Head
essential business skills and his knowledge
of Careers, Caroline Styles and Year 12
and experience in the fashion industry,
pupils, James F, Harry F, Ti昀昀 S, Berenice I
which provided valuable insights into
and Tom A.
the importance of branding, audience
engagement, and sustainability. His story
The lunch aimed to provide an informal
served as an inspiration and a blueprint
opportunity for pupils across the
for our pupils, emphasising the real-world
Sixth Form to delve a little deeper
application of the entrepreneurial skills we
into some speci昀椀c careers including:
foster at Framlingham College. You can
software engineering, accountancy,
listen to the Tom Holmes entrepreneurial
clinical veterinary services, real estate,
podcast here.
Public A昀昀airs, investment banking and
environmental advisory.