Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 333
died on 9 October 2022 at Old Rectory
Nursing Home, Capenhurst, Chester, aged
89. Deryck initially joined the Ministry
of Agriculture, Fishery and Food, in
Cumbria, spending several years studying
the e昀昀ects of radiation from the Sella昀椀eld
Nuclear plant on the 昀椀shing industry.
This was followed by a complete change
of direction into the hospital equipment
industry, where he became the National
Sales Manager for a Company based in
North Wales, travelling the UK extensively
until his retirement.
His wife, Beryl pre-deceased him in 2012
and Deryck then spent the following ten
years at Woodeaves Residential Home in
Nantwich, Cheshire. He is survived by his
daughter, Dorne, and son, Philip.
The funeral service was held at Holy
Trinity Church, Gwersyllt on October 31,
attended by close friends and family,
including his younger brother, Colin
Geo昀昀rey Wigg (G48-54).