Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 33
At Framlingham College, the aim is
An outdoor education
fosters an appreciation of
the natural environment
to bolster the entire curriculum by
encouraging ‘classroom’ learning to be
taken into the outdoor environment – no
matter what subject or age of pupils
being taught. Jo Drury says: “For so many
Taking learning outside allows children to
pupils, being in an open space may not
appreciate the world around them and
feel as restrictive as a classroom and
develop an understanding of how we can
allows for movement and much needed
look after our environment. Framlingham
time to be mindful. Playing and problem
College Prep School is situated in a
solving with natural resources allows
beautiful part of the world and the school
children to experiment and 昀椀nd 昀氀ow, and
puts environmentalism and sustainability
inspires imaginations, which can be an
practices at the forefront of its agenda.
exceptionally powerful tool to nurture a
In May 2021, pupils planted 420 trees in
love of learning.”
the outdoor space to support The Queen’s
Green Canopy initiative. Just one example
Lucy Manning, Teaching and Learning
of the school’s many eco initiatives, the
Co-ordinator at Framlingham adds: “As
trees will create a beautiful hedgerow that
teachers we all understand the importance
will line a pathway to the school’s forest
of 昀椀ring the imaginations of our children.
school area and support habitats for many
The beautiful setting of our school creates
species of wildlife – which children can
a rich stimulus for every child, and we are
then study and learn about.
able to utilise their natural fascination with
our planet. In the classroom environment,
Taking lessons outside
the classroom can help to
foster a love of learning
some topics may be perceived as more
challenging to teach. For example,
in English, we need to teach complex
grammatical structures to help our pupils
develop as writers. Taking away the
Going to school can give children the idea
con昀椀nes of the classroom and taking
that learning only happens when they
learning outside allows our pupils to hang
are sitting in front of a whiteboard with
complex notions onto something concrete
an open book. By taking learning outside
– something that truly excites them. This is
the classroom, schools are able to make
when real learning sticks.”
lessons more engaging – teaching children
that learning can happen anywhere, at
Getting outside makes learning feel so
any time.
much more exciting, which is why an
outdoor education can o昀昀er children so