Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 320
afar tended to dwell less on the quality
of play than on the quality of the beer –
another life-long enthusiasm of his.
He is enormously missed both by his family
and by his many, many close friends.”
HARLEY BARNARD (R58-62) died in
November 2022, aged 77. He was a
successful businessman who led his family
business from strength to strength. He is
remembered as having inspired loyalty in
his many friends and colleagues. He spent
the last 20 years of his life in Portugal but
Around 1970, he went to work as a
had many friends in Su昀昀olk.
warehouse manager in the depot in
Felixstowe. This was also the time when
Harley was born in Stowmarket in
Harley married and became a father. His
1945, eldest child of Jack and Barbara
昀椀rst child, Ross, was born in 1971. A
Barnard, with younger siblings, Philip and
daughter, Clare, followed in 1973, with
Ann, arriving soon after. He had a happy
Paul born in 1978. Harley continued to
childhood. He attended Framlingham
run Taylor Barnard for the next 30 years,
College before leaving school at 16
and the business 昀氀ourished under his
and moving to Luton, where he started
leadership. When he made the decision to
his working life at Vauxhall motor
sell the business in 2000, it had become
company. He remained there for a short
the largest private logistics company in
time, completing an apprenticeship and
the UK.
doing manual work on the vehicles at
the factory. After three years, however,
At this point in his life, Harley made the
he was ready to return to Su昀昀olk and
decision to move to Portugal. Having
start work at the family motor dealership
relocated to Lisbon, he remarried and
business, O. G. Barnard and Sons, as
his youngest child, Michael, was born in
it was then known. This marked the
2003. However, the focus of Harley’s life
beginning of a long and successful career.
remained on his business and the joy he
derived from it, and he would return to
The family business meant a great deal
the UK several times a year. He remained
to Harley. He was the third generation of
chairman of Marriott Motor Group, as the
Barnards to work in the business, which
business was renamed, until he died.
had been established by his grandfather,
Oliver Barnard, in 1909. He moved to the
He is survived by his wife, his four children,
haulage and logistics side of
and seven grandchildren.
the business, Taylor Barnard Ltd, which
(Based on an article which appeared in
was based at Mendlesham air昀椀eld.
the EADT.)