Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 301
The Schools Veterans Match is the opener
progeny (congratulations!) but showed
for many OFRC shooters who stay on for
his class with an exquisite maximum
the ten days of competition that follow, and
score of 50.10 to win the Admiral Hutton
they are joined by enough former students
competition at 900 yards. Thereafter a
of all ages that we can put out two teams
fairly quiet meeting for the Old Frams: caps
of ten. Friendships are rekindled, and after
for Halahan (Ireland) and Mehta (Scotland)
the match we have a dinner followed by
in the National Match, whilst Thorp helped
our AGM. No prizes for us this year: you
an English XX team to second place in
cannot a昀昀ord to drop a single point, and
the Home Countries versus the UK Armed
we lost loads! Our A team was 24th ex 47,
Forces Match. There were the now usual
whilst the B team 17th ex 28.
appearances in county teams for many
of our members, with Essex (captained
Unusually we were not able to 昀椀eld a C
by Mehta) beating Su昀昀olk for a change,
team this year.
although both were well below Norfolk.
The weather this July was unseasonably
Slightly busier was the barbeque hosted by
chilly, windy, and wet. The high winds
the OFRC to repay the generous hospitality
caused some competitions to be cancelled:
of our Guernsey chums. Indeed, a fast car
not in deference to the 昀椀rers, but for the
had to be sent to the o昀昀-licence for further
safety of the markers as targets can be
blown out of the frames.
We’re always on the lookout for new
No less than nine OFs competed in some or
members. If you’d like to have a go, then
all the competitions: Nigel Burnip (S58-
you are very welcome to join us. All kit and
65), Jon Ford (S58-62), James Mehta
coaching can be provided, and it’s a lovely
(S67-75), John Halahan (S72-75), Steve
day out in great company. All you need to
McDowell (G82-86) and son Theo, Kim
do is to contact our Hon Sec at
Pope (M04-09), Jon Thorp (S11-17), and
Sandy Walker (R96-05).
Our 昀椀xtures next year will be the 20 April, 11
May, 1 June, and 18 July 2024, all at Bisley.
Sandy Walker has had a quiet shooting
year, distracted by both wedlock and