Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 30
activities (such as den building and
camping skills), paddleboarding, and
Jo Drury, Head of Outdoor Education at
gardening club.
Framlingham College Prep School, says:
“By taking the walls of the classroom
Here are seven reasons why schools, like
away it allows children to feel that they
Framlingham College, are prioritising
have freedom and that means that their
outdoor education and how this approach
anxieties lift and they become less fearful
to learning is bene昀椀tting pupils.
of learning. Often you’ll see children’s
demeanour change as they walk into
the classroom, which is not what anyone
Getting outside benefits
children’s physical health
wants, but it just happens. But when
we go outside that fear and anxiety
disappears. The outdoor environment
Outdoor learning is a great way for
and being in touch with nature is very
schools to reduce sedentary time
important and using that within our
associated with traditional classroom
learning is such a powerful tool.”
based lessons. Being outside gives
children the freedom to move, increasing
As well as helping children to become
their physical 昀椀tness.
more enthusiastic about learning, the
outdoor environment also provides
There are also lots of health bene昀椀ts
opportunities to learn core skills that
beyond burning o昀昀 energy. Being in the
they can take back into the classroom.
great outdoors provides opportunities
At Framlingham, children do something
for children to improve their motor
called a ‘sit spot’ where they take a mat
skills. Fresh air is good for focus and
and sit in nature for 昀椀ve minutes. This
concentration, and sunshine boosts
exercise helps them to notice the small
vitamin D levels.
things around them. Drury says: “Noticing
those small things then translates to their
Outdoor learning can
have a positive impact on
academic achievement
work in the classroom. For example, they
When children are outdoors ‘playing’,
Learning outdoors can
boost children’s personal
notice the small things about the letter B
and the letter D and they can di昀昀erentiate
the di昀昀erence between them.”
their brains are more absorbent to
information. Being outside makes learning
more fun and when children enjoy going
to school, it improves their concentration
and focus. This in turn has a positive
A 2019 study by a group of
impact on academic achievement.
researchers from Swansea University