Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 296
Old Framlinghamian
Ri昀氀e Club
GB U25s when we got to South Africa.
It’s been a year since our last report, so
here is a whistle-stop review of all our
We 昀氀ew direct to Nairobi where we were
activities in 2023.
met by the Kenyan Team and given a
In times gone past our shooting would
‘Blue Light’ escorted drive to a safari park.
be restricted to the summer months, but
After four days of ‘acclimatisation’ at a
now with such a wealth of talent and
height of some 5000 feet and several
achievement our members are competing
safari drives in the Sweet Water Park we
across the world and throughout the year.
moved to the range at Nanuki for two days
The 昀椀rst tourist was Jon Ford (S58-62), a
of individual shooting, followed by team
matches against the Kenyan National
member of the England team.
Team. We had two England Teams: a Red
Jon writes:
Team (e昀昀ectively the A Team) and a White
You may remember that I was selected as
Team (the B Team) of which I was a proud
a member of the England Team in 2020,
member. The result was diplomatically
largely as a result of my performance in
sound as the Red Team won with a score
the 2019 Imperial when I came 89th in the
of 1152.114 followed by the Kenyan Green
Grand and 49th in the Queen’s, but also
Team with 1093.68, with the White
because I had been to South Africa several
Team in close pursuit with 1090.84 and
times with the RAFTRC and shot twice for
the Kenyan Black Team coming in with
the GB Veterans at Bloemfontein. We were
1064.56. The conditions on the Range
due to travel to Kenya and South Africa
were challenging, with a 昀椀shtailing wind
in 2021, but this was delayed for a year
and the odd squall passing through which
because of Covid. In 2022, Africa was
completely obscured the targets. The dust
still struggling with Covid, so the England
clouds meant that the ri昀氀e actions had to
Tour was delayed for a further year, and
be protected at all times.
we 昀椀nally set o昀昀 on 26 February after an
unscheduled 24-hour delay because of
This was a major event for the Kenyans,
changed rules regarding the carriage of
and we were the 昀椀rst visiting Target Ri昀氀e
ammunition! This 2-year delay meant the
Team for over 20 years. It was attended
England Team had to relinquish shooters
by their Minister of Defence and there
to the more senior GB Palma Team and the
was a major prize-giving followed by an