Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 294
OF Sport:
Kate Jackson writes: “On Sunday 6
players at Grand Slam Tournaments so
August Framlingham College hosted the
far this year. We also heard from Jeremy
Patron’s Lunch ahead of Framlingham
Scowsill (Chairman) who was delighted
Tennis Tournament week. This was held
to inform us that the Framlingham Tennis
in the prestigious Fowler Pavilion at
Tournament had won the ‘LTA Tennis
Framlingham College. Prior to lunch, a
Award 2023 National Competition
fun but competitive tennis tournament
of the Year’. This is such an incredible
took place between the Tournament
achievement and a huge credit to the
Committee Members and a team of Old
Committee team who volunteer each
Framlinghamians. Unfortunately, we were
year, as well as the Groundsmen at
unable to play on the grass courts, which
Framlingham College.
were set up on The Back, as it was too
The OF tennis team would like to thank the
wet, but the grounds were looking superb
Society for their 昀椀nancial support on the
ready for the tournament. All the matches
day, as well as the College for putting on
were played in good spirit, and the
such a great event.”
Committee team came out on top, beating
the OFs.
First photo – left to right: Paddy Bishopp,
Drinks and a delicious lunch followed
Harry Bishopp, Kate Jackson, Lucas
for around 90 guests, including Patrons,
Walker, Lucy Garrard, Ben Emerson,
Sponsors, Louise North (Principal of the
Antonia Key and Becca Garrard.
College), as well as Committee Members
and Old Framlinghamians.
Second photo – left to right: Louise
Speeches were made by Christine Janes
Rogers, James Allen, Paddy Bishopp,
MBE (President of the Framlingham Tennis
Harry Bishopp, Kate Jackson, Lucas
Tournament and former tennis player,
Walker, Lucy Garrard, Ben Emerson,
French Open Champion and Wimbledon
Antonia Key, Iain Jamie, Becca Garrard,
and US Finalist) who gave us all an
Jules Barkes, Meg and Tom.
interesting and comical account of tennis