Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 285
– SCHOLAR 2023-26
I joined Framlingham College in Year 11
in September 2020 as an international
student. Before that I went to many
di昀昀erent schools in Germany but quickly
realised from my 昀椀rst week at the College
that I’ve never felt as welcome and happy
in any other school as Framlingham.
It was a nerve-wracking situation to begin
with, being the new one in a di昀昀erent
country, away from home, and it made
me really worried, but from the moment
I set foot in the College I was greeted in
the most welcoming and kindest way,
and from day one I hadn’t one single
doubt left in my mind. The arrival of
Covid, surprisingly, really bene昀椀ted me in
my 昀椀rst year. With the second lockdown
around the corner and 昀氀ights to and from
Germany being cancelled, many of my
friends, whom I’d only met a few months
earlier, invited me to stay at theirs for the
duration of the lockdown. Living with my
friends and their families was not only a
bene昀椀t for my language but I also got to
experience the English culture and learned
to appreciate it more.
Initially it was planned for me to only
stay at the College for a year, but after
realising that I had truly found my home
away from home, I decided to stay until
the end of Sixth Form, and I can proudly
say that this was, and will always be, the
best decision I have made.
During my time at the College, I 昀椀nished
Maya Theisen