Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 284
Moreau Leaving
The appointment of each year’s Moreau
Term, with their sponsoring members of
Leaving Scholars is always an occasion
sta昀昀, before interviewing a short-list of six
for celebration, though tinged with
candidates in the summer.
regret that, in selecting just two scholars,
the panel has had to turn down the
The two successful scholars are individuals
applications of fellow-members of their
who best exemplify a determination to
leaving group who were also extremely
maintain the close bond of friendship
strong contenders for the awards. In this,
across their year-group, and who have
the eighteenth year of the scheme, the
an ability to organise social and sporting
selection panel was once again presented
events, and an interest in helping to make
with some tough choices. But, of course,
the Society a welcoming environment for
this is to be expected, as our scholars
all. They receive £1,000 a year for the
play such an important role in helping to
three years of their scholarship, during
keep their leaving-group together, as well
which they are a member of Council
as helping with the management of the
and sit on the Young OFs committee.
Society through their membership of the
The programme provides them with a
mentor who will have been a member of
Council and, these days, is often a past
Applicants for these scholarships must
Moreau Scholar. With two scholars being
self-nominate before the end of their 昀椀nal
appointed each year for a three-year
Autumn Term, and they then encourage
term, there are always at least six recent
their friends and members of sta昀昀 to
leavers who are members of Council
promote their candidacy through the
– bringing much youthful energy and
remainder of the year. This year’s
wisdom to bear on all things.
selection panel, led by David Mallett
(K93-03), included two past scholars
This year’s scholars are a 昀椀ne example of
as well as the current President, and the
everything that the scheme looks for, and
panel met socially with all the candidates
here are the personal accounts of their
and then over the course of the Spring
stories so far: