Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 281
I published this as a news story on the
website. In July 2023, Chris was visiting
London and arranged to meet up with
Tony Meggs (K63-70) and Peter Randall
Robert Craig (R63-70) and I were in touch
(R65-69). You can read his full report and
back in May 2023, when he recalled
photos on the website.
with a smile a photo we had had taken in
Dubai that I published in the Overseas Bag
and known as the “sock photo”! Anyone
interested in more details can email me or
look up the 2015 edition. Since then, Robert
had retired to France, and we discussed
how he might get more involved with the
SOF website after a hip replacement.
Brian Rosen (S40-46) in October 2022
had been discussing with Bob Williams
(Hon OF) about his participation in
the funeral of King George VI and the
Coronation parade of Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth II – see full story on
Hong Kong gathering
the website. In November 2022, Brian
provided a detailed update on his life in
France and his family, some of whom were
Jenkin Leung (K79-84) was delighted to
contemporaries of mine – see full version of
pass on the news that a few OFs in Hong
the Overseas Bag on the website.
Kong had an impromptu get-together
in February 2023 - left to right – Robert
Wong (S81-84), Xavier Lam (G78-80),
Stephen Ngai (G75-79) and Jenkin Leung
Kim Dickel (M97-98) reacted to my appeal
Costa Rica
to help photograph the grave of an OF in
David Allars (K47-54) was delighted to
been treating fellow soldiers. She will try
a cemetery in Germany - Stephen Field
(1895-98). He is buried in Berlin. He had
and organise another reunion in Germany
receive funeral material and commentary
in the 昀椀rst half of 2024. In July 2023, Peter
of his best school pal Bill (WJC) Wade
Howard-Dobson (R65-69) reached out
(K48-53) from James Ruddock-Broyd
to Kim to introduce to her Maja Theisen
(G46-52). David found it bitter-sweet
(V20-23), who is our 昀椀rst German Moreau
reading but was most pleased to see it.