Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 279
Bob Munro (R56-60) provided an
paste together into a single image that is
extensive update at Christmas, 2022.
now in the gallery on the website. I then
He was sad to read of the death of Mike
asked Chris, pictured second from right on
Allport. He later sadly reported the death
the front row, for his help in naming those
of his wife.
in the photo. Finally, he couldn’t resist
mention of the Ashes!
Hugh Richardson (S43-48) was in touch in
January 2023 at the age of 90 to say that
Aubrey Whitear (G58-65) sent an
he had escaped Covid.
interesting Christmas message/update.
They had been travelling again, visiting
Chris Shaw (K50-56) is without doubt our
family. In July they 昀氀ew to Perth in
greatest correspondent from Australia
Western Australia from where they spent
or in fact anywhere in the world. He was
nearly three weeks driving up the West
sad to hear that Roy Farman (K47-55)
Australian coast. They then 昀氀ew to the
had died in November 2022 as he was
north of England to see family, then on to
a close contemporary at Fram. In March
Mallorca, Bordeaux and the Dordogne.
2023, he posted me a tube containing his
The 昀椀nal leg of the holiday was spent in
1955 entire school photo. I found a friend
southern England.
locally to scan all six feet or so of it and
Shooting photo with Chris Shaw