Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 276
Here & There
Overseas Bag
Once again, this edition of the 2023
As I have said for last few years, I have
Yearbook contains a good crop of articles
been editor of the Overseas Bag for many
from OFs living overseas from the UK. This
years - this is now the 19th year - and
is a heavily edited version of the full 29
whilst I have immensely enjoyed the role,
pages available to read on the website. It
I would be delighted if one or more of you
would be great to hear from more OFs in
would be happy to take this over for the
other countries, so get writing please.
future. As you can see, my appeal over
the last couple of years has not produced
It is great to see some time and e昀昀ort
a torrent of applications, but I hope this
being put into organising future gatherings
year you will give it serious thought. It is
in various countries around the world over
very rewarding and as a member of the
the next six months and I’m very happy
website team I would be happy to support
to help anyone prepared to have a go in
in any way I can, e.g. local reunion lists
their area.
etc. Please drop me an email if you would
be interested. In the meantime, happy
Overseas Bag Editor: Chris Essex (K69-75)
3 Kingston Avenue, Saltford, Bristol BS31 3LF
Tel: +44 (0)1225 873878