Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 27
planets which were displayed on the front
The Inter-House Rocket Competition
of a cam mechanism box the children
tradition of Enrichment Week saw every
constructed to make their planet spin.
pupil across the school engineer their own
spacecraft and propel them into the skies.
Year 4 trips included one to the Longshed
The event culminated in a grand 昀椀nale with
in Woodbridge, where they were able
the entire school witnessing the spectacle,
to learn about Anglo-Saxon times and
cheering as the rockets soared over The
the environment in which the ship was
Back and revealed overall House winners
used, as well as 昀椀nding out about the
from each year group.
boat’s construction. Their boat experience
took a slight turn with a punting trip in
This year’s Crazy Contraptions
Cambridge, after which pupils also visited
activity brought an inventive brief:
the Whipple Museum, investigating
Mrs Steggles needs to knock on Mr
the museum’s collection which includes
Egan’s door but can’t leave the nursery
scienti昀椀c instruments, apparatus, models,
building. The ‘knock’ needs to travel
pictures, prints, photographs, books and
through every form room in the school,
other material related to the history of
starting and ending at the door or starting
in the far corner of the room and 昀椀nishing
at the door.
Year 3 equally enjoyed a week of
informative trips including a visit to
Each year group set about contributing
the Museum of Archaeology and
ingenious creations to the school-wide
Anthropology, a calm and tranquil day at
trail and alongside the help of sta昀昀 and
the Cambridge Botanical Gardens, and
parents, these contraptions weaved
a ‘Roarcous’ trip to Dinosaur Adventure
through the school grounds, creating
World in Norfolk.
a visual and intellectual tapestry of
mechanical marvels.
Our Pre-Prep children spent a week
focused on animal exploration to
We extend our gratitude to the dedicated
complement their science learning from
sta昀昀 who embraced the week’s spirit,
across the year. As well as a day spent
and to our pupils whose enthusiasm and
at Africa Alive, the children also had the
participation made the event a testament
unique opportunity to engage with a host
to the joy of learning at Framlingham
of unusual animals brought to the school
by local company My Animal World,
handling lizards, cockroaches, skinks,
snails and even snakes.