Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 267
Royal Navy
Tim Moss, David Ibeson, John Watterson (Housemaster), George Wright, Charlie Wright, and Rob Bell昀椀eld.
I’m still in the navy! There is life in the
Housemaster, and the House manages
‘old’ Commodore yet, as I continue as the
to succeed at being both sporty and
Naval Regional Commander, London,
musical – just like 81-83! The highlight
and Eastern England. The work is varied
was the reunion with John Watterson,
and exciting, raising awareness of the
our housemaster in those days, who
RN across the region, from the Square
was in exceptionally good form. He was
Mile in London to the distant lands of
presented with a Kerrison House rugby
Nottinghamshire, down to the tropical
shirt as an early 90th birthday present.
paradise of the Isle of Wight. My most
A few days before Christmas, a great
important news this year was that I was
gang of us from Kerrison surprised John
kindly invited by Brynn Bayman, the
by joining him for a beer in the Queen at
Framlingham College Chaplain, to give
Dennington. It was great to catch up with
the address at the Remembrance Sunday
David Ibeson, George and Charlie Wright,
Service in the College Chapel. What a
Tim Mosse and Jenkin Leung (online from
privilege it was to return and stand at
Hong Kong), who arranged the cake!
the same lectern that I had stood behind
Otherwise, outside work life is centred
40 years before, when we all had to
around the barn in Dallinghoo and being
take our turns reading the lesson! A few
on the water in a variety of boats. Some
weeks later I was invited to speak at the
things never change. If anyone is looking
Kerrison House Dinner, and I was pleased
to send their children to Framlingham
to see that Kerrison hadn’t changed
College – you might speak to my wife Zoë
much. It still has the Head of Sport as the
in the Admissions O昀케ce!