Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 256
Bury St Edmunds Supper
Those attending were:
“The SOF Newmarket Supper relocated to Bury St Edmunds this year
as an attempt to appeal to a wider
Michael Smy (S57-66), Brian Smith
constituency. The supper was held at
(S53-57), Tim Mitchell (R67-77),
Ravenwood Hotel and being May, we
Norman Mayhew (R48-56), Chris
could make the most of the splendid
Bellamy (G54-64), Christopher Quinsee
garden there. To keep costs down, the
(S76-81), Nicholas Brooke-Walder
hotel provided a barbecue bu昀昀et. This
(S79-82), Peter Howard-Dobson (R65-
meant the seating was 昀氀exible and OFs
69), Colin Wigg (G48-54), Tony Martin
could move around to speak to more
(G47-55), Simon Shield (S76-79), Philip
people through the evening.
Alcoe (K78-81), Ruth Elwood (P80-84),
Kate Jackson (P84-93), David Carr
We also experimented with an open
(S67-74), Chris Essex (K69-75), Bob
bar, again hoping to keep the overall
Clayton (G50-57), Norman Porter
cost down and attract a younger
(K50-57), Neil Jackson (Hon OF), Chris
audience. There was a wine table,
Garrard (G82-86), Mike Townrow
where everyone could help themselves
(R78-85), Ross Sindell (R77-86), Nigel
to wine by the glass so that no one had
Burnip (S58-65) and John Ellerby (G67-
to fork out for a bottle for the table.
The new format worked well, everyone
Sadly, the SOF London Supper on
appeared relaxed and there was
Thursday 27 July was cancelled due to
a good number staying until last
planned tube strikes.
knockings. It was also a comfortable
venue for the SOF business meetings
in the afternoon so we will repeat next