Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 25
with innovative and engaging teaching
the Senior School where Dr Noble and
was realised beyond expectations,
Dr Higgins wowed them with an array of
igniting a passion for learning among our
exciting experiments in the lab.
Year 6 took the annual trip to the
Our Year 8s had an exhilarating week
Coastal Voyager in Southwold, which
with their main focus being to explore
was followed by a rigorous process of
Augmented Reality. They visited London’s
engineering their own boats. The pupils
most popular museums, the Science
had to research di昀昀erent types of boat
Museum and the Natural History Museum,
(including motor, sail, catamaran and
and were asked to collect photographs
rowing) and then create a digital collage
and inspiration for AR movies that they
of their research 昀椀ndings, con昀椀rming their
then had to create during the rest of the
chosen style of boat to craft. Thereafter,
each pupil had to create a style drawing
of their boat with annotations, before
Back at school, the pupils had an
using their designs to make a clay model
interactive AR workshop with Apple
of the hull for their boat.
educator Vicky Bacon, who supported the
children with understanding how to make
The process then moved into the D&T
the museum images they captured come
workshop where the pupils used the
to life.
vacuum former to create a plastic version
of their hull and then constructed the deck
They also had a taster of the DofE
and other features such as sails, before
experiences that await them at the Senior
adding 昀椀nal decoration. It was then time
School, taking part in the ‘Stranded’
to send the boats down the Deben to see
activity, having to navigate their way
how well they sailed!
home from an unknown drop o昀昀 point out
in the Su昀昀olk countryside. An activity much
Across the week, a selection of pupils was
enjoyed by all.
able to enjoy a mesmerising experience
in an interactive Planetarium. It was
Our Year 7’s exploratory theme for the
a universe of wonder under one roof,
event was planes, with the year group
inspiring awe and curiosity in the pupils
venturing to Duxford Museum where one
with its celestial showcase.
of their tasks was to come away with
an idea of their favourite aircraft at the
The Year 5 children continued with the
museum. On return to the school, their
planets theme for the week, 昀椀nding
task was to make a 3D model of their
inspiration at the National Space Centre
chosen plane using layered foam board.
in Leicester, before spending the week
crafting their own rotating planet models
The pupils also got to develop their
out of papier mâché. The models were
science knowledge with a morning at
accompanied by a fact 昀椀le on their chosen