Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 237
Shields as we hoped to, but 昀椀nishing
years. Mr Gough led an informal Q&A
runners up is still a great achievement.
with each of the Year 13s, and we had
The musical and drama talents of the
the privilege to welcome back OFs Berti
pupils of Rendlesham once again shone
Noble and William Brett as our guest
through. We had the privilege to listen
speakers. It was heartwarming to see
to great musical performances during
these boys get emotional when they
Chapel services and the scholars music
spoke about their time here, which means
concert, and the Music ReView showcase
they truly felt at home and enjoyed every
on The Front at the end of the Summer
moment of at the College.
Term 昀椀nished the year o昀昀 on a high.
The year ended with the traditional House
The highlight for me on a musical front
BBQ when we had the chance to bid
was the Back to the 80’s cabaret night.
farewell to our wonderful group of Year
A great atmosphere and wonderful
13s. They can be proud of how they led
performances gave a real 昀氀avour of
Rendlesham as a collective, each one of
nostalgia that all greatly enjoyed. Our
them playing a part in making the year a
drama students didn’t disappoint either.
success. We also had the opportunity to
The Year 9 and 10 production of Dracula
bid farewell to Mr Gough who has been
was truly remarkable. As a House,
AHM of Rendlesham for the last four
Rendlesham is proud of every music and
years. Mr Gough has been appointed as
drama pupil who participated in all these
Head of Boarding at the Prep School, and
events during the year.
we thank him for all his years of service to
Rendlesham and wish him well in his new
Our annual House Dinner followed a
slightly di昀昀erent format than in previous