Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 23
Norbert Luigi Night-Phoenix) and Axolotl
Rio. Having these new exotic pets at
the school has meant the children (and
sta昀昀!) have had to learn about how to
care for the animals and deepened their
understanding about these interesting
creatures. A newly formed zoology club
for pupils in Year 3-6 was born as a result
of Norbert and Rio’s arrival, during which
children have both been researching and
analysing information about their new
classmates, and looking at endangered
animals across the world – a topic on
which they gave a presentation to the rest
of the school during the Summer Term’s
Enrichment Week.
selected to travel all the way to the South
Pole on board RRS Sir David Attenborough
Learning about the wider world beyond
and Polar Stern. Charlotte’s 昀氀ag was taken
Framlingham College is essential to our
to Antarctica by British Antarctic Survey
ethos of developing global citizens. In the
electrician Neil Brims, and Charlotte was
Autumn Term, Year 7 pupil Charlotte A
delighted to receive a photo of her 昀氀ag
entered the UK Polar Network’s Antarctic
held proudly aloft at the Halley Research
Flags Competition, spending many hours
Station. Neil has visited Antarctica on
researching the continent’s scenery,
multiple occasions and has written a blog
science and wildlife to create her splendid
post about his experiences found here.
From the South to the North Pole. In
UK Polar Network runs the annual art
October Half Term a group of Year 12
contest to design a 昀氀ag for Antarctica
and 13 geographers took the annual
- given the continent does not currently
trip to Iceland, the land of ice and 昀椀re.
have a 昀氀ag of its own. The project takes
During what was deemed ‘a fantastic
place as a celebration of Antarctica Day,
experience’ the pupils explored its alien
which marks the signing of the Antarctic
volcanic landscape, towering waterfalls
Treaty in 1959, a document declaring that
and continental drift in action, as well
Antarctica would be o昀昀 limits to military
as climbing rapidly retreating glaciers.
activity and setting it aside as a place for
Following the trip, the Senior School
peace and scienti昀椀c discoveries.
Geography Society held an information
evening where pupils shared their
Charlotte’s e昀昀orts were recognised and
Icelandic experiences with their peers
rewarded as she was one of a handful of
and inspired the next generation of
pupils across the world whose 昀氀ags were
adventurers to take part in future trips.