Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 214
My second year as Housemaster of
the Year groups is something that must be
Kerrison House was an enjoyable,
encouraged and cherished.
unforgettable and rewarding experience
and it was another period of incredible
For the House Dinner, we were joined by
success and progress for all of our pupils.
Old Framlinghamian (and Kerrisonian!)
There were highs (Sports Day and House
Commodore Rob Bell昀椀eld CBE ADC, who
Rugby to name but two) alongside the
spoke candidly about his career in the
not-so-highs (unfortunately our creative
navy and his time at the school, which
team could not work their magic in either
was very di昀昀erent in the 1980s! We were
House Singing or House Dance!) but that is
fortunate that John Watterson, Rob’s
all part of the learning pathway.
Housemaster, was also able to join us for
There were some incredible contributions
what was a very special evening.
academically, in Chapel, pastorally,
musically, on the stage, in the CCF and
At the end of the Summer Term, the boys’
on the sports pitches. Our boys are
e昀昀orts were duly acknowledged with the
involved in every area of school life and
presentation of the prestigious Stocks
encouraged to make the most of the
Shield. Every boy in the House contributes
opportunities on o昀昀er and to always
to this all-round accolade which makes it
give their very best. The support and
even more rewarding.
integration that they demonstrate across