Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 21
becoming an award-winning author and
performance as the author was naturally
the creative process he goes through to
humorous. Many of us bought copies
conjure up his stories.
of his books, including his most wellknown novel ‘Stitch Head’ and had them
He talked openly to pupils about how, as
signed by Guy on the day. I enjoyed the
a child, he often found books intimidating
performance very much.”
but was able to connect with comics. He
explained how an adult love of writing
On World Book Day, pupils were greeted
came from consciously reconnecting with
by a vibrant display of literary characters
his inner child where he was able to 昀椀nd
as their peers and teachers donned
a place in his imagination without rules or
costumes inspired by their favourite
restrictions, and where the only limitations
fantasy books. The e昀昀ort and thought put
were his own creativity.
into these out昀椀ts was truly remarkable. The
school’s corridors were transformed into
He then read an excerpt from one of
a veritable storybook wonderland, with
his books in the Skeleton Keys series,
characters ranging from classics like Alice
The Legend of Gap-Tooth Jack. He
in Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz to
had the audience captivated as he
modern favourites such as Harry Potter.
told how Skeleton Keys went to 昀椀nd
Daisy’s unimaginary friend, Wordy
An additional highlight of the day was the
Gerdy, who was beginning to wreak
interactive storytelling sessions between
havoc with her ghostly pen. The pupils
the younger children in the Pre-Prep and
listened attentively, their eyes wide
our senior pupils in Years 7 and 8. Our
with wonder, as they were transported
older pupils were able to inspire their
to Daisy’s bedroom and introduced to
younger peers to expand their reading
Guy’s fascinating characters. At the end
horizons, whilst also reconnecting with
of the session, the children also had the
many of the books they themselves had
opportunity to get their books signed by
read during their former years.
Encouraging children to develop a spirit
Year 6 Academic Scholar, Freya S
of inquiry beyond their formal curriculum
commented on Guy’s visit saying: “Guy
is crucial to fostering well-rounded
Bass’s visit on the Tuesday of ‘Reading
and curious individuals. The College’s
for Pleasure Week’ took place in the
commitment to outdoor learning and
Rowley Hall and very much brightened up
the provision of an extensive activities
our morning. He was very entertaining,
programme provides additional platforms
and I loved it when he talked about his
for pupil growth.
childhood, referring to himself as looking
like a ‘Baby Yoda’. As well as this, I
The Prep School welcomed two new
enjoyed learning about his new book
members to the community this year,
series ‘Skeleton Keys’. It was a very funny
Bearded Dragon Norbert (full name -