Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 201
everyone that comes through it.
competing to test if they know their
Hastings from their Henry VIII and join
past winners like George Orwell and
The school isn’t just home to the pupils, its
Kwasi Kwarteng! Though Kwasi may have
technically home for Mr Daykin too who
been better sticking with history rather
has been working at the school for half of
than 昀椀nance!
its existence, which is an impressive thirtyseven and a half years. I will miss a lot of
Pre-Prep has had another brilliant year
things, most notably Mr Daykin standing
under the leadership of Mrs Steggles
on the side lines of the rugby and cricket
who sadly will be leaving us, 昀椀nishing her
pitches, reminiscing to our parents about
18th year of shaping and forming well-
his glory days.
rounded children. Yet Pre-Prep is not left
in the dark, Mrs Drury is taking her place.
Also, sometimes, we share the sad times
Mrs Steggles will be greatly missed and
too. Incredibly sad news shocked the
undoubtedly will be tapped regularly for
entire school earlier in the term and the
her knowledge and advice.
grief was felt by everyone. I just wanted to
take a moment to mention and remember
Homely: another one of the words used to
Holly Bethell. We all have our own unique
describe the Prep School. The school tries
memories of Holly,
and succeeds in being a second home for
whether they be of her as the magni昀椀cent
many students. We are extremely lucky
Mr Toad of Toad Hall, or maybe her
to have such a fantastic boarding sta昀昀
fantastic recital at the annual Poetry
creating memories and experiences of
by Heart competition where she did so
a lifetime. There is something for every
amazingly well.
boarder to make them put a genuine smile
on their face. Mrs Upton and the rest of the
Our thoughts have been with Karen and
sta昀昀 are there for anyone to talk to about
Bill, and all their family. It is so lovely to
anything without the risk of being judged.
see Karen today and thank you Karen on
behalf of all of us for the many phone calls
Mr Gover, Miss Holeman and Miss
to our parents asking if they could bring in
Grounds are loved by every single student
the forgotten PE kit, or an instrument or kit
in the school. While Miss Holeman’s
monster energy drink stash in the back of
We want to thank our Deputy Head Boy
her car increases by the second.
and Girl, Luke and Lucy. It has been
How could we not mention The Wilson
brilliant to work alongside you as well as
Family? I recall at the prefects’ supper
all the other prefects.
Mr Wilson telling me he’d been at the
school 21 years, that’s 21 years of helping,
Good luck to the New Head Girl and Boy
growing, improving this school and
next year, I hope you do as well as us.