Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 197
prepare to leave the Prep School,
There is a real team spirit and
and embark on the next stage of their
camaraderie amongst the sta昀昀 and pupils
education. Year 8 please be upstanding.
which be昀椀ts the school. I have to say each,
and every member of sta昀昀 has always
Now their time at the Prep School has
put the child 昀椀rst and foremost in all the
come to an end…but what a 昀椀nish: the
decisions that are made and there is a
last two weeks have been a whirlwind of
genuine love and care for each child that
experiences. As Albert Einstein famously
has the good fortune of being part of this
quipped, “The only source of knowledge
wonderful community.
is experience.” And boy, oh boy, have
our students had some unforgettable
Pertinently this year we received
experiences! My back will certainly
independent validation of everyone’s
testify to the joy of the graduation ball
e昀昀orts and were rewarded with the
and the foolish plan of hiring a bucking
double header of Excellence in both pupil
bronco! Well at least I can proudly claim
achievement and personal development,
second place just behind Oliie Gould!
the highest possible accolade from an
But on a serious note, I want to commend
each and every one of you for your hard
To quote John Ruskin (1819-1900)
work, dedication, and perseverance.
Looking forward, embrace the
opportunities that lie ahead, follow
“The true end of education is not only to
your passions, and never stop learning.
make the young learned,
The future belongs to those who are
but to make them love learning;
determined to make a di昀昀erence.
not only to make them industrious, but to
Congratulations, Year 8! Well done
make them love industry;
and thank you! So please join me in a
not only to make them virtuous, but to
thoroughly well-earned round of applause
make them love virtue;
for all of our Year 8s.
not only to make them just,
but to make them hunger and thirst after
To conclude, one would think that after
more than two years living on site one
Thank you for listening.
might become impervious to its charm,
but every day when I walk into work I
am in awe of the fantastic surroundings,
buildings and most notably the quite
spectacular sta昀昀 and children we have