Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 195
level Ruth, thank you, thank you for all you
Further initiatives will aid our
have done, your knowledge, wisdom and
development of our academic credentials
support have been invaluable. And from
with an enhanced focus on oracy, critical
everyone that has bene昀椀tted from your
to the needs of a 21st century citizen, and
teaching, including some of our current
embedding our Spine of Skills and the
sta昀昀, a huge thank you for the last two
progressive inter-disciplinary thematic
decades of heartfelt service to our school,
curriculum to equip your children to ensure
we are incredibly lucky to have had you all
they are ready to embrace an ever-
these years and we shall miss you.
changing world.
Enjoy your retirement, for now, as I have
no doubt we will see you again in the near
In other areas we our seeking new ways of
encouraging more parental involvement
both in and out of the classroom and
So please can all the sta昀昀 be upstanding
similarly in our outreach to local schools
and on behalf of all the pupils, parents
and nurseries to share some of our fortune
and sta昀昀 a huge thank you from all of us.
and expertise.
I would also like to thank Charles
Next year is our 75th year as a Prep
Packshaw and the team of Governors who
School and there are a number of events
are experts in their 昀椀eld, highly talented,
being conceived to reach out to both
incredibly supportive, and give up their
parents and our alumni.
time so generously for the school. Thank
And 昀椀nally, embedding our unique Junior
Duke award to accredit pupils for their
Looking forward, we have been incredibly
endeavour outside the classroom and in
fortunate in our recruitment for next year
their service to others, skills development,
and have recruited more brilliant sta昀昀
activities and adventure.
from all over the world and I will highlight
them in my end of term letter.
In a few moments, Felix and Imogen, our
Head Boy and Head Girl will give their
Looking ahead we have a new library
report of the year, pointing out just a
being installed this summer which will
few of our many highlights and hopefully
enhance our passion for reading. A new
passing on some words of wisdom to their
kitchen to enhance our already incredible
provision and a substantial investment in
IT infrastructure which will see a dramatic
With this in mind I would like us now
increase in our network speeds.
to concentrate on our Year 8s as they