Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 191
Good morning, ladies, gentleman,
school is so much more than lessons on a
distinguished guests, boys and girls.
timetable. Sometimes I wonder how we
Welcome to the Festival of Celebration
manage to squeeze so much in.
where we will honour the fantastic year
our pupils have had.
Our school mantra is ‘Where every pupil
creates their own story’.
How true is it?
I was chatting to a Year 6 pupil about the
Ashes yesterday and whilst I won’t go into
too much detail, I was explaining how
Some children have already found their
when I played cricket against Alastair
path, others are still exploring and some
Cook, he far too easily and e昀昀ortlessly
are changing path every day and that is
pinged the stumps from deep square leg,
the true beauty of this Prep School. We
consequently running me out!
昀椀rmly believe you should try everything …
at least once.
Anyhow, it reminded me of a conversation
I had with him after the match when he
Hopefully in this synopsis of the year
was reminiscing about his own school
you will be able to nod your head in
days and how he regretted not doing
agreement to some of the amazing things
more and not making the most of the
we have accomplished in the 昀椀rst full year
activities and opportunities at school.
in a while.
It is so very true that, more often than
So how does one sum up all of the
not, we do not appreciate what we have
achievements and accomplishments made
at any given moment in time and thus, it
in a whole year? Well quite honestly it
is so important to take stock of this time
would be impossible in ten minutes, in fact
and surroundings and acknowledge
we spent an hour and a half yesterday
what a wondrous school this is, and with
in our 昀椀nal assembly covering just what
a plethora of activities and opportunities
happened in one term and su昀케ce to say
available that one simply must seize.
that was not enough time.
Our school is full of opportunity and
Where to begin?
while sometimes we may well take that
for granted, I am delighted to report
1. Well, we should celebrate our latest
that most of you do take the chance
recruits to the Zoology Club – our
to be involved. From sport to drama,
bearded dragon - Norbert Felix Night
music to academic enrichment, our
Fury - and Rio the Axolotl.