Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 185
ways the conscience of the school. It is
year they have done exactly that. Ruby
a team that draws together great skill,
Boddy and Finlay Bloore have been
experience, and diligence. I thank them
exceptional as our Heads of School, the
all for the support they extend to me and
very de昀椀nition of servant leadership. They
to the senior team, and in particular their
have earned the respect of their peers.
Chair, Charles Packshaw, for his wise
You have set the bar high for next year.
Thank you.
The expertise, dedication and sheer
Pupils: today, well, every day, is about
graft of our teaching sta昀昀 is the engine
you. You are why we are all here. You are
upon which this institution runs. Boarding
our future. It is a privilege to work with
school life is a vocation, not a job, as they
you – your zest for life and love of learning
say – much goes unseen. House sta昀昀, in
is palpable. Channel that, for the next few
particular, lead lives deeply entwined
weeks at least, into something di昀昀erent,
with the fortunes of their charges, both
something refreshing, then return in
good and ill. I have been there, I know
September, your energy and purpose
the commitment it takes. I also know the
responsibility borne by the senior team
in shaping and guiding the school – it is
As for me, time only deepens my
greatly appreciated. I may not always be
appreciation of this College, its people, its
the easiest task master. To all my teaching
community, and its heritage.
colleagues, thank you.
Thank you.
Nothing happens here without one, some,
or all of the arms of our support teams
making it happen. The arrangements for
today being just one, very good, example.
I am very grateful for your unstinting
e昀昀orts and for the part each of you plays
in ensuring the success and smoothrunning of the College.
Parents, thank you for your commitment
to the school. It is only in working together
that we achieve what we do for your
children. I understand that it is a bond
which we must continually earn and
We ask our prefects to act with integrity
and uphold the values of the school. This