Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 184
Georgia has also coached with infectious
you are. You may have been ready some
enthusiasm across a range of sports, most
time ago! You have packed away your
notably hockey, and has been a vocal and
notes and textbooks for the last time.
visible ambassador for girls’ sport.
You may never again study subjects that
will have dominated the last two years.
After two years as a Graduate Assistant,
Grades await you in the summer. But
in which time he has convinced everyone
the legacy of school isn’t always about
he is natural schoolmaster, Charlie
what can be recorded and judged. What
Saunders is taking a look at a career in
about the immeasurable? A moment in
Law. Inspiring multi-instrumentalist and
the huddle as you caught a teammate in
Cambridge rugby blue, I suspect he is not
the eye and felt a deep connection and
yet lost to teaching.
togetherness; the nerves backstage before
you stepped on stage; a teacher’s words
Pierre Mézière has been an excellent
of encouragement, just when you needed
AHM in Stradbroke and French Assistant.
it; the moment when the spotlight fell on
After two years, during which time he has
you and you stood taller.
developed a growing appreciation of
cricket, he leaves for a Masters at Oxford.
Other memories, seemingly
Following the same path is Tom Laskowski,
inconsequential, but somehow vivid and
this year’s Graduate Scholar, who has
meaningful. A moment of joy and laughter
done a 昀椀ne job promoting academic
in your House; the hairs on the back of
curiosity and scholarship.
your neck rising during a particularly
rousing hymn in Chapel; an act of kindness
Also spending this Academic Year with us
that stays with you forever. Moments
were: Rebecca Carver in the Chemistry
of friendship, of camaraderie, and of
Department; Paula Torres, our Spanish
shared endeavour. Moments of individual
Assistant; Jammie Lewis (OF), our Hockey
discovery and achievement. All di昀昀erent,
Graduate; and Helena Galley (OF), our
and all rooted in your own unique
Graduate Musician and a Resident in
experience of being part of this school.
Rooted in the fabric of these buildings and
these sumptuous grounds. Rooted in the
To you all – thank you for your service
friendships you made, and the teachers
to the College and for everything you
who guided you. This school is part of you,
have done for our pupils. It has been
and you are part of it, and that will never
appreciated and will be remembered.
change. You will always be welcome here.
We wish you every success and happiness
It can be something of a mystery to the
wherever the road ahead takes you.
uninitiated as to what school governors
Turning to our leavers. Now is the time
do. The answer is a great deal. They
to go and open the next chapter of your
scrutinise, analyse, and hold to account.
lives. You should be ready, and I’m sure
They help set our course. They are in many