Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 183
So, we face the future from a position of
today. I know you will join me in wishing
strength. If I hesitate slightly in saying that,
him a full and speedy recovery and a long
it is only because of the wider context.
and happy retirement. In due course, we
The last few years have taught us to
will thank David in person for all that he
expect the unexpected, and to do so in the
has contributed.
knowledge it will likely be unfavourable.
Famously, a week is a long time in politics,
Our Head of Biology, Clare Collins,
so no one can accurately predict the
leaves us after 18 years. Clare has a deep
political weather by next year’s general
knowledge of her subject and is a 昀椀rst-rate
election. But still, it would be remiss of us
classroom practitioner. I know that there
not to consider that we will soon have a
are numerous Framlinghamians who will
new government apparently antithetical
have been inspired to further their study of
to the independent sector. I will stay o昀昀
science thanks to Clare.
my soapbox, but I am not sure how wilfully
seeking to dim the brightest lights in British
Elin Egger has been Head of Teaching and
education will illuminate the landscape
Learning for the last six years. Elin is an
more generally. Whatever comes, we
accomplished teacher with an expertise in
are con昀椀dent that the considerable work
the pedagogy of teaching. Noted for her
we have undertaken over the last four
high standards and attention to detail, she
years to overhaul and streamline the
has helped to bring greater rigour to our
business and operations side of the school
teaching while also supporting our Early
will ensure we are su昀케ciently nimble to
Career Teachers.
adjust as necessary, while remaining an
Jamie Kingstone has been Head of
educational beacon.
Hockey since 2012, overseeing a period
Today, we bid farewell to a number
of unprecedented success for the
of our sta昀昀. Principal among these is
College, particularly on the girls’ side.
David Boatman. David dedicated a
An outstanding, driven, and dare I say
working life to Framlingham: 37 years of
it, single-minded coach, Jamie’s natural
commitment to his vocation and to this
home was out on the astro, spreading
community. A rounded schoolmaster,
his love of the game, honing skills,
kind and encouraging and with a
and developing champion teams. His
generosity of spirit, David was ready
dedication is legendary. He has inspired
to turn his hand as needed: Teacher of
some of our elite players to reach the
Geography, Housemaster of Zeiegele
highest levels in hockey and others simply
and then Victoria, Head at various times
to pick up a stick for the 昀椀rst time and have
of Activities, PSHE and Sixth Form. Noted
a go.
archer, games coach, and expeditioner
and adventurer in his own right. Enough
After seven years, Georgia Linnell steps
to 昀椀ll two careers. Sadly, David has been
out on to the next stage in her career. Most
unwell recently and cannot be with us
recently, Head of PE and Sports Science,