Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 182
development. An outcome that validated
in learning, whatever and wherever that
the unstinting work of my colleagues and
learning may be. Our commitment was
the culture we are building.
to be a forward-thinking school where
Perhaps most of all, it was a glowing
education evolved to re昀氀ect the world
tribute to the pupils themselves. There are
into which our pupils will one day emerge.
numerous parts of the report I could quote
What I see every day, and what I believe
to you, but I will limit myself to just two,
the inspectors’ report endorsed, is that we
which give a genuine, unspun 昀氀avour of
are close to ful昀椀lling that vision.
the whole:
Of course, as a forward-thinking
“Pupils are excellent communicators.
organisation, it is not about reaching a
They listen carefully and speak with
destination. We are always recalibrating,
clarity. Pupils achieve success due to their
and without neglecting the present,
willingness and competence in expressing
aiming for what we see emerging on the
relevant ideas and their readiness to
horizon ahead, which by de昀椀nition must
question their teachers and engage with
always stay just out of reach. So, despite
the thoughts of others.”
any satisfaction we may feel about the
report, there is no complacency. That was
“Pupils have excellent self-con昀椀dence and
then. Already our minds are turned to a
self-understanding, exhibiting a calm,
new strategic plan which will set our path
mature self-con昀椀dence throughout the
beyond 2025.
school. They are eager to improve their
learning, take an active role planning
There is a distinct buzz about the College.
their futures and support others in the
For the second consecutive year we have
community to do the same.”
had unprecedented demand for boarding
places in our Sixth Form. That demand
I couldn’t have put it better myself!
is particularly strong on the girls’ side,
It is easy (and misguided) to pooh-
with applications far exceeding capacity.
pooh inspections as simply a rigid and
As a consequence, we have identi昀椀ed
super昀椀cial tick-box exercise. To my mind,
two areas of the school that we will be
these perceptive comments show that the
refurbishing and reimagining as girls’
inspectors really did get under the skin
boarding spaces. These will open next
of the school. The happy and purposeful
Academic Year and will accommodate a
spirit of our pupils is palpable throughout
further 18 pupils. With this, and bearing in
the report.
mind the numerical limitations that other
communal spaces such as the dining hall
In my 昀椀rst year here, we published Vision
and Chapel present, we will be running
2025, a blueprint for how we would be
at full capacity. A further indication of the
taking the school forward. At the heart
health of the school, and of our growing
of this we promised to embed a culture
pro昀椀le and reputation.
that shined a light on the joy to be found