Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 181
period, our visiting speakers, and our
have planted crocuses with the Hour
wellbeing ambassador programme. More
Community, walked dogs, helped with
informally, there is always company and
community swimming, and volunteered
conversation, and the knowledge that
at the Framlingham Christmas fair. In
someone is there for you when you need
our community crafts activity, pupils
made the most amazing blankets for
the homeless out of crisp packets. Our
Framlinghamians have a strong
engagement with Phab Club continues
moral compass. They are the global
to grow, bringing together people with
citizens of tomorrow. Respecting and
and without disabilities in a fun, positive
accommodating di昀昀erence is essential
environment, including recently 昀氀ying kites
to achieving that. With 16 nationalities
at Aldeburgh. All small acts, perhaps, but
represented among our pupil body,
together they accumulate and become
we celebrate diversity, language
more than the sum of their parts.
and culture in many ways, but there is
always more that we can do. Our recent
The Chapel remains our compassionate
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion survey
heartbeat. Schools are about people, and
has shown us that we have further to go
no-one epitomises that better than our
in encouraging pupils to be upstanders
Chaplain, the Rev Canon Brynn Bayman,
rather than bystanders in the face of
for whom nothing is too much trouble.
unkindness or discrimination. Once
Thank you, Brynn, for all you have done
昀椀nalised, I look forward to sharing our EDI
this year, especially for the support you
strategy with you in the new year.
gave Bill and Karen Bethell in their darkest
hour following the loss of their daughter,
We have an increasingly sharp eye on
sustainability and the environment. We
are actively looking into the practicality
By October, it had been seven years
of installing solar panels and where these
since the College had last been visited by
might go on the estate. Last autumn we
the Independent Schools Inspectorate. I
planted over 200 trees on the former golf
remember it, I was there. As an inspector.
course to create King’s Wood, in honour
That’s how long ago it was. Having
of the new monarch. Indeed, much of the
hopped over to the other side of the
former golf course we deliberately leave
desk, I now understand that no matter
uncut to allow an increasingly varied
how well prepared you are, or con昀椀dent
natural habitat to 昀氀ourish. Our beehives
you are in what your school does, the
are expanding as we reinvest the money
process of inspection inevitably sends a
made from the sale of honey into buying
ripple of anxiety through the head. So,
further equipment. We are growing our
how rewarding it was that the inspectors
own salad and vegetables for the school
judged the school to be ‘excellent’, the
kitchen in our community garden.
highest possible rating, in both our pupils’
Within the wider community we
academic development and their personal