Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 178
or shine, sharpening skills and making tiny
togetherness and self-belief among
incremental improvements – trap, pass,
the boys. They worked hard, had fun,
shoot, and repeat. It is sticking to the
and were always committed. They won
disciplines of 昀椀tness, nutrition and mental
most, if not all, their matches, but they
discovered a great deal about themselves
and each other, which was far more
For Finlay Bloore, Royal Academy of
Music scholarship recipient, multiinstrumentalist, and aspiring opera singer,
Some of those involved will be part of
it is rigorous dedication to the art of
the 69-strong party who will tour South
performance and to the musical life of the
Africa in the coming weeks, the boys
school. It is commitment to St Mary-Le-
playing rugby and the girls hockey.
Tower choir, to the National Youth Choir,
It is remarkable that over 15% of the
and to endless rehearsals mastering and
school roll should commit to such a tour
extending his voice.
– I am not sure you will 昀椀nd that depth of
engagement elsewhere. I wish them every
For Tommy Bell, 昀椀nalist in the BAFTA Young
success and a wonderful experience.
Game Maker of the Year competition, it
is having the vision to develop his own
This year’s outstanding sporting team was
computer game, ‘Gloop Fishing’ – I’m
the Girls’ Hockey 1st XI. This should come
hooked by the way – and then, crucially,
as no surprise – the consistent excellence
having the patience to hone and re昀椀ne
of our girls’ hockey programme places
it, so that when scrutinised by industry
us among the top handful of schools
experts it passes with 昀氀ying colours.
in the country. No superlatives are
There are many others, of course, striving
necessary when it comes to describing
just as hard each day to realise their
what the players and Jamie Kingstone
and his coaches have achieved - the
facts speak for themselves: two national
The pride with which we participate in
昀椀nals upon the Olympic pitch at Lee
sport says much about the character of the
Valley; Independent Schools’ Hockey
school. Under-15B teams do not usually
Cup Champions; England Hockey Tier 1
receive much attention, so I shall brie昀氀y
Runners-Up; all six matches in the Tier
correct that. The exploits of this particular
1 East League won, scoring 31 goals
cohort, across rugby and hockey, tells a
and conceding 5; the best teams from
story of the particular synergy between
the North of England, Sedbergh and
sporting teams and boarding school
RGS Newcastle, beaten 5-1 and 8-1,
life. I am not sure expectations were
respectively; unbeaten in all matches until
particularly high before the season began.
the last, the Tier 1 national 昀椀nal against
But as it unfolded, the unique sense of
an exceptional Repton side. What was
camaraderie that comes from living and
perhaps most impressive was the manner
working together fostered a particular
of their play – 昀氀uent, graceful, trusting and