Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 176
We are currently 昀椀nalising a Digital
bringing their own thought-provoking
Learning Strategy which will clearly
perspective on contemporary issues.
articulate our approach to AI, Google
Bard, ChatGPT and others. There is no
Pupils are also showcasing their ability to
point fearing these platforms, they are
reason, critique and analyse to powerful
here to stay. So, let’s be adaptable and
e昀昀ect in their writing. Alicia Pryce was
forward-thinking and channel them
a 昀椀nalist in the Northeastern University
appropriately to bene昀椀t our learning. They
London Essay prize this year, addressing
open exciting possibilities if utilised in a
the question: “What are the most likely
safe, responsible, and ethical way.
implications of the economic sanctions
With the increasing encroachment
imposed on Russia?” Alicia’s answer was
of technology into our lives, I suspect
selected from 4500 entries as one of the
that society will come conversely to
very best.
place an even greater weight upon the
humane. Core values such as empathy,
The intellectual courage to compete
respect, kindness, and humour. Skills,
on a national or international stage is
such as leadership, critical thinking, and
characteristic of our pupils, whether that
teamwork. Those qualities that allow one
is in the Royal Society of Chemists’ Top
person to relate meaningfully to another.
of the Bench competition, or the Maths
All of these are already essential to the
Challenge, among many.
life of this school and embedded in our
Framlinghamians have the con昀椀dence
to take on board criticism, learn from
We also cherish discussion, opinions and
mistakes, and have another go. Following
challenge. All are central to intellectual
in the footsteps of BimBim Jimoh Ibrahim,
curiosity. We want Framlinghamians to
Edgar Reader only last week won the
articulate their views in a pithy and precise
National Poetry by Heart Competition.
way, and to be respectful and tolerant of
Our Business and Economics pupils are
others in doing so.
developing a reputation for creativity
This year we inaugurated a House
when tackling business or 昀椀nance related
debating competition, a forum for
challenges. Having come third in the
considered argument and dissent. A party
Business Olympics for Schools competition
of Politics pupils and their teachers were
last year, there was only one option
prominent in the audience, and freely
for this year’s team made up of Jake
contributing, when BBC’s Question Time
Croft Sharland, Rory Salter and James
was broadcast from Snape Maltings.
Foreman. Competing against 93 schools
Our local MP, Dan Poulter, was one of our
from across the globe, they came 昀椀rst. A
visiting guest speakers, along with Brian
truly remarkable achievement and a great
Faulkner, Jemma Roye, Warwick Lang,
testament to our Business BTEC guru, Mr
Alicia Drummond and Tom Holmes, each