Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 174
Prize Giving
Speeches 2023
Governors, Distinguished Guests, Old
on here: the weeks are formidably full
Framlinghamians, Pupils, Parents, Families
and the pace brisk. That is who we are
and Friends, I am sure there are many of
as a community and I would not have it
you here who, like me, greatly enjoyed
any other way. But with a period of rest
Elton John’s headline performance
and recuperation beckoning, each of us
at Glastonbury last Sunday. On the
should today re昀氀ect upon all that we have
television, I might add. I hadn’t persuaded
embraced, overcome and achieved this
the Chair of Governors of an urgent HMC
year, and say, with a hint of pride and
matter requiring my presence in Somerset
some relief - I’m still standing.
for the weekend.
In 2020, the World Economic Forum
Anyway, how joyous it was! A master at
estimated that by 2025 approximately
work - all killer and no 昀椀ller, as they say.
85 million jobs may be lost globally to
machines and algorithms. At the same
Now, I want to make it clear that I am not
time, 97 million more jobs may emerge
comparing myself to Elton. I stalled at
that are better suited to this new way of
only Grade 5 piano. His taste in glasses
working. Mankind is adaptable - I doubt
is rather more outlandish than mine, and
we are all about to be marginalised by
I doubt I’ll ever have a gold lamé suit or
Arti昀椀cial Intelligence. Indeed, I can state
a private jet. And this tent is not exactly
with some con昀椀dence that we will continue
the Pyramid stage. But as I watched, I
to need 昀氀esh and blood teachers for
wondered about how di昀케cult it must be
decades to come, at least. I know that
for him to pick and choose his setlist - to
because that’s what ChatGPT told me.
leave beloved and admired songs unsung.
And in my own small way I face a similar
While technology can enhance the
dilemma today – the greatest hits of
learning experience by providing access
Framlingham’s year provide far more
to vast resources, only the teacher has
material than time could possibly permit
the unique ability to read and respond
me to explore.
to a particular pupil’s needs. A computer
cannot inspire or motivate you; it cannot
It is a notably full catalogue, too, which
look you in the eye when you need pulling
should be no surprise. So much goes
up; it cannot smile.