Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 173
the terrible wars of the Twentieth Century
The Remembrance Service on
and it is only recently, after the traumatic
13 November was preceded on
events in Iraq and Afghanistan, that the
11 November by the customary two-minute
reality of war and what con昀氀ict does to
silence in which our pupils were led out
the mind has been understood. I therefore
to the front of school at both the Senior
ask you to remember those who lost their
and Prep School to honour and remember
lives on active service in all con昀氀icts; right
those who have lost their lives in battle.
up to the present day, as well as all those
who have served, and their families –
“They shall grow not
old, as those who are
left grow old: age shall
not weary them, nor the
years condemn. At the
going down of the sun
and in the morning, we
will remember them.”
particularly those who still live with the
legacy of war.”
He reminded the congregation to consider
the immortal paragraph in the poem
‘For the Fallen’ by Robert Binyon, and
during the two-minute silence asked those
present to pick the name of a fallen OF on
their poppy and say ‘we will remember