Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 167
Within such highs and lows, it was the
with red, white and blue as the children
Chapel theme, Desert Island Discs, that
celebrated the occasion in myriad ways.
reminded us all that life is often measured
Our Pre-Prep showed gratitude to our
by those ‘big moments’. Many sta昀昀,
support sta昀昀 with personal deliveries of
guests and pupils shared their life-de昀椀ning
hand-decorated thankyou biscuits, before
moments in song, poem or video clip, with
making natural willow crowns. Lower-
special mention going to Mr Henriques
Prep pupils had an artistic street-party,
and his rendition of Dire Straits – Brothers
also making crowns before drawing
in Arms.
self-portraits which were then displayed
as an exhibition for parents in Rowley
As the Academic Year drew to a close,
Hall. During the afternoon the whole
it was the Con昀椀rmation Service and
school enjoyed outdoor games including
Coronation of HM King Charles III that
rounders, croquet, boules, Kubb, Mölkky,
took the rhythm of life to new heights once
quoits and ultimate frisbee, before coming
together with parents to enjoy delicious
strawberries and cream. A great day
The Right Reverend Martin Seeley
to help create special memories of this
presided at the Con昀椀rmation Service
historical occasion.
and with nineteen Con昀椀rmands and a full
Chapel, it was an evening of celebration
The year was then capped o昀昀 poignantly
and a spiritual rite of passage for all those
with a Leavers’ Service and farewell to
another crop of OFs, for whom Reinhold
Niebuhr’s prayer will need to be their
mantra in an ever-changing world.
Adding to the fun of a jubilant Coronation
weekend, the Prep School was awash