Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 159
and Politics is the Year 9 DofE programme
allow children to develop vital life
coordinator. He said: “The Year 9s did
skills such as creativity, teamwork, and
extremely well to plan and execute their
leadership, and helps shape them into
activities this year. Over the course of
well-rounded, empathetic, and socially
this term’s DofE activity time, they have
responsible individuals.
planned, built, and coordinated their
group projects, with little need for my
On 22 March, the Prep School hosted
support or guidance, with great success.”
the second Colour Run event for all pupils
aged 5 to 13. This exuberant House event
The College has been recognised as one
brought together pupils, parents, and sta昀昀
of the leading schools in the country for
in a whirlwind of colour and excitement.
the number of Duke of Edinburgh (DofE)
awards achieved by pupils. All Year
The run, which took place across
9s undertake their Bronze, supporting
the school’s beautiful grounds, saw
the DofE goal to ensure the scheme is
enthusiastic participants traversing a
accessible to as many young people as
designated course while being showered
with eco-friendly, non-toxic coloured
powder by parenting volunteers from our
Emily Matson, Head of Year 9 said:
FOF (Friends of Framlingham College)
“I’m so proud of all the Year 9 pupils for
community. The powder, made from corn
displaying such enthusiasm to get the
starch and natural food dyes, created a
charity event up and running and for
dazzling spectacle as the children raced
raising such a respectable amount of
through the course, transforming the event
money. They have all had to demonstrate
into a moving rainbow of laughter and
essential skills such as critical thinking,
problem-solving, teamwork and creativity
to get to this point. As a community,
The Colour Run proved to be more than
there’s been a real sense of kindness and
just an entertaining event this year, serving
generosity on display, and everyone looks
as a valuable opportunity to raise funds
as though they’ve had quite a lot of fun
for a charity now very close to the school’s
along the way!”
heart, Blood Cancer UK. Participants
were encouraged to seek sponsorships
Our Prep School pupils have also shown
from friends and family in support of their
huge dedication to ‘giving back’ to society
athletic e昀昀orts, with overall donations
this year and have been highly engaged
totalling an outstanding £4300. A
charitable fundraisers. Supporting key
truly phenomenal e昀昀ort which clearly
events such as Children in Need and
demonstrates the kind and generous
Comic Relief, as well as initiating their own
nature of our Prep School community.
fundraising activities, has instilled a sense
of empowerment and responsibility in
In a further display of community spirit, our
our younger children. These experiences
Year 8 pupils demonstrated their youthful