Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 156
and to let those in our community who are
struggling know that there is always help
Year 13 Sophie L did a sterling job as
Charity Prefect over the year. She rallied
the troops and motivated us all to ‘give
Sophie was supported by her fellow
rather than to receive’. Speci昀椀c highlights
prefects including Head Girl Ruby B,
were the Christmas Jumper Day and
whose continued passion for upholding
Candy Cane surprise.
the College values saw her ensure many
of our College traditions remained part of
Commenting on how the committee chose
our charity calendar, including the popular
Beat, Sophie L said: “Eating disorders
Candy Cane initiative, providing pupils the
are still a major issue today; around 1.25
opportunity to send uplifting messages to
million people in the UK su昀昀er from these
one another at Christmas time.
illnesses, many in secret. I think people are
still quite ignorant when it comes to eating
The Christmas Hamper challenge
disorders and always assume that it’s just
reached new heights this year too.
anorexia, but there are so many di昀昀erent
Each tutor group produced wonderful
types which, as a community, we need
and generous hampers that were then
to look out for. Beat is able to educate us
distributed to local folk. Over 35 hampers
on how to deal with eating disorders for
were made and brought cheer to many
personal reasons or just how to support
homes in our wider community, be it at
friends or families who are struggling with
the Alms Houses, Mills Meadow or to
such challenges. We want all pupils to
speci昀椀c families that were in need of a
become more aware of the issue and to
bit of Christmas cheer. Year 9 Pembroke
be more sensitive about dealing with it,
and Year 10 Garrett won the prize for