Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 15
excited about learning.”
hour on a combination of world and
British history. The overall aim is to
provoke interest in historical reading,
In March, the Year 1 and 2 children took
analysis, and facts, with the aim of being
a trip to Orford Castle, whilst for our
a rewarding and challenging experience
Reception children their interest in and
for all those who participated. We hope to
understanding of the topic was enhanced
see more entries next year.
not only by a trip to Framlingham Castle
but also by visits from guests such as Ann
During the year, children across the
Barkway and Chris Butler, organisers
Pre-Prep were focused on developing
of the London International Festival of
their knowledge of castles, including
Early Music, who brought in a range of
learning all about medieval history.
medieval instruments which the children
Commenting on the children’s learning,
had a wonderful time exploring.
Reception teacher Jo Drury said: “Our
role as educators is all about creating rich
The day before the Spring Half Term our
learning environments and promoting
Reception classes combined to pull all
journeys of discovery from a very young
their topic learning together and re-enact
age. Coordination of outings, visits and
a full medieval celebration. Starting
events all contribute to learning and
the day dressed in matching surcoats
development and help children to feel
(adorned with their class crests) and