Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 146
and Girls culminated in tournaments held
Champions, going on to play at the ESCA
at the College for the boys and Seaford
College for the girls. All players had a
wonderful week of play and thoroughly
enjoyed each 昀椀xture.
Our Prep School teams had hugely
impressive seasons this year across a
number of competitions. The FCPS Boys’
1st XI (U13) won their IAPS round one and
two matches with Alex S hitting 107 not out
in the second round against St Faiths.
At the start of the year, Henry M was
For the U13 Girls, Captain Imogen P-H
appointed Senior School Golf Captain for
scored her second 50 in two days against
the year. He took his team to play in the
Holmwood House in the girls’ IAPS 昀椀rst
Southern Schools’ Cup in Kent for their
round match. Their IAPS journey sadly
昀椀rst 昀椀xtures, where they 昀椀nished a very
came to an end after a close match
creditable 10th in di昀케cult conditions.
to St Faiths in the second round of the
In October, Henry M, Charlie L, Zach G
and Harry R were all selected for their
respective Su昀昀olk Golf Squads.
The Girls’ U11 As 昀椀nish unbeaten in their
domestic season for the second term
in a row, winning nine of nine matches.
The Senior School team claimed 3rd place
They were cup winners at the Orwell
and won the Plate competition at the
Park 6s (not losing a match all day) and
inaugural East of England Championships
progressed to the semi-昀椀nals of the Su昀昀olk
at Aldeburgh Golf Club in March,
School’s Cricket Association where they
organised by Haileybury School. They
were crowned Su昀昀olk County Champions,
beat Felsted School by 5-0 with emphatic
going on to play at the ESCA Regionals.
wins for Freddie S, Ralph B-S, Charlie L
The girls were also bronze medal winners
and Archie L. Captain Henry M had a nail-
at the IAPS East Festival where they
biting match against Felsted’s number 1
played some impressive cricket and
player and won on the last green.
narrowly missed out on the 昀椀nal through
run rate, having beaten the eventual
In the Su昀昀olk Schools’ Golf
winners earlier in the competition.
Championships, Archie L was the
College’s highest 昀椀nisher in 14th with an
The Boys’ U11 As followed suit, winning
excellent 36 points. During the Summer
the Plate at the Orwell Park 6, gaining
Term, the team headed to the HMC
the same bronze medal at the IAPS East
Strokeplay Championships at the JBC Golf
Festival and being named Su昀昀olk County
and Country Club.